Students may take SYMPHONIC BAND as a class at SPHS. The group performs at the school's winter concert in December and the spring concert in May. They also travel to the Anne Arundel County Band Festival in April and participate in the annual instrumental music spring trip. Over the years, many of our band students have played with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) in its Side-by-Side program, as well as the All-County and All-State Bands.

Students may take string ORCHESTRA as a class at SPHS. The group performs at the school's Winter Concert in December and the Spring Concert in May. They also travel to the Anne Arundel County Orchestra Festival in April and participate in the annual instrumental music Spring Trip. Over the years, many of our orchestra students have played with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO) in its Side-by-Side program, as well as in the All-County and All-State Orchestras.

Students may take PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE as a class at SPHS. The group performs at the school's Winter Concert in December and the Spring Concert in May, as well as at the County and State Solo & Ensemble Festivals in the Spring. There is great variety in skill level of the students at the beginning of the year, ranging from percussion beginners to students who have spent years playing in symphonic or marching band.

The MARCHING BAND season begins for most students in early August with band camp, including day-long rehearsals for the week of August 7-11, 2023. For percussionists, particularly the drum line, there are practices and auditions in June, and a special percussion camp the week before regular Band Camp. Click here to REGISTER.
After Band Camp is complete, after school rehearsals begin - three days a week. Starting in September the group attends home football games, performing the national anthem before the game, their field show at halftime, and spirited music in the stands throughout the game. Then from late September through early November, the band participates in competitions most weekends. SPHS also hosts its own marching competition in September.
The marching band sometimes performs during the annual out-of-state spring trip. A number of our students expand their marching experience over the summer by participating in a drum corps, or one of many music camps.

COLOR GUARD is a group of students who provide an artistic interpretation of the music through dance and the synchronized spinning of flags, rifles, sabres and other props. Color Guard has been called the “Sport of the Arts” because it is equally athletic and artistic. In the fall, the color guard participates in all marching band activities including practices, competitions and half-time performances at football games. During marching band competitions, the guard adds to the overall score of the band, but is also judged in its own category. In the Winter and Spring, the color guard practices and competes independently of the band through a regional indoor/winter guard circuit.

Students join the JAZZ BAND by audition in the early Fall, with all rehearsals after school. The group performs at the school's Winter Concert in December and the Spring Concert in May, as well as at various jazz clinics throughout the year. In some years they also participate in the annual instrumental music Spring Trip. Our jazz students have also played in the All-County Jazz Band.